EnergieAgentur.NRW, Düsseldorf/Germany, stopped working towards the end of 2021. Over many years, the Energie-Agentur energy agency has presented a variety of technical, process engineering, economic and environmental subjects around mining in joint discussions and gained increased interest, not least from operating companies and customers outside Germany. In doing so, the agency earned some credit with service providers as well as mechanical engineers and plant construction operators, especially given the backdrop of our country’s dependency on exports of minerals and raw materials. In future, EnergieAgentur will remain part of EE Energy Engineers GmbH and continue to be entrusted with their task to coordinate the mining network and mining and raw material economics. It will also oversee the project “Supporting the energy and climate protection goals of North Rhine-Westphalia with regards to sustainable raw material extraction” as contracted by In4Climate GmbH, a federal project of North Rhine-Westphalia. (Si.)
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