Supervisory Board, Board of Management, Works Council and employees of RAG Aktiengesellschaft and the Gesamtverband Steinkohle e. V. (GVSt, German Coal Association) are in mourning for Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neipp. From 1995 to 1999, he was the Chairman of the Board of RAG, and also a member of the Board of the German Coal Association (GVSt), of which he was President from 1997 to 1999.
Neipp passed away on 16th July 2019 at the age of 79. His period of office saw the merging of the entire German coal mining industry in the RAG subsidiary Deutsche Steinkohle AG (DSK), of which he became Chairman of the Supervisory Board. During this period, RAG developed to become an internationally operating and respected corporation. In addition, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neipp made a decisive contribution to finding a compromise in coal policy between politics, business and workforce representatives in 1997, which also guaranteed social compatibility for future mine closures.
“The name of Gerhard Neipp will thus forever be linked with the socially compatible adaptation of German coal mining,” said RAG Chairman of the Board Peter Schrimpf in appreciation of his services. (RAG/Si.)