At the future central Lohberg dewatering site of RAG Aktiengesellschaft, Essen/Germany, in Dinslaken, both the rehabilitation of the shaft frame and the development of the site area are showing visible progress (Figure 1).
In order to strengthen the double trestle, which is a listed building, reinforcement measures in the steel skeleton are necessary for structural reasons. In order to be able to carry out this work and the subsequent corrosion protection painting at dizzy heights, the scaffold, which is visible from afar and currently encloses almost the entire 74 m high headframe, was erected. The associated rope sheaves were removed beforehand and will be reinstalled in their original position once they have been refurbished. The work will continue into next year.
The area, which is under mine supervision, is currently being enclosed with a fence system which, with its clinkered posts and masonry elements and black fence lattices, blends harmoniously into the surrounding industrial landscape. “The Lohberg site will play a central role in RAG’s water retention concept in the future, as this is where the mine water from the entire Emscher syncline will be lifted using submersible pumps and discharged into the Rhine in a few years’ time. Planning for this will start next year,” explains Jörg Küsters, site manager for Lohberg. “Many coordination loops, especially with the Office for the Protection of Historical Monuments and the City of Dinslaken, were and are still necessary to meet all requirements,” adds project manager Harald Haase. (RAG/Si.)