We are very proud to celebrate our 100th company anniversary.
Halbach & Braun is well-known worldwide for innovative and sustainable mining, equipment for open pits, quarries and much more. 100 years of experience and, above all, high-quality and reliable solutions, adapted to the demands of our customers, have been and still are the most important prerequisites for our success. We have always been able to meet the high demands of our customers and will continue to do so in the future.
First and foremost we would like to thank our customers who have remained loyal to us since 20th October 1920. Without you we would never have been able to achieve this milestone.
We would also like to thank our employees, suppliers, banks and state and local politicians who have always supported us with all their strength and accompanied us on our journey through the century.
Very special thanks also goes to our partners, the Yangquan Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd, whose support paved the way for us to enter a new home market. Together and strong enough for the future, we are now able to supply complete mining systems from one source. Turnkey plants in one responsibility.
To our greatest regret, but to protect the health of all of us, our most important asset, we have to forego an official ceremony for the time being and would like to postpone it to a worry-free time without Covid-19 restrictions.
Until that time, we are of course available for you at any time. Contact us and together we are going to find the right solutions for your demands!
Glückauf, your H&B Team!