The German Federation of International Mining and Mineral Resources (FAB) headquartered in Berlin/Germany is an association of German companies which are active within international mining. Since years FAB promotes the German positions in the global mineral sector and is active in continuous development of German international mining. The ongoing German economic boom requires further investments in order to ensure mid- ...
Read More »Fachartikel 02_2019
Economic Evaluation of Deep-Sea Mining
In view of increasing import dependencies and decreasing ore grades in conventional mining, societies with large resource needs such as those of the EU are looking for new potential sources of mineral supplies. Seabed areas in international waters host considerable amounts of mineral resources that contain various elements, among them metals such as cobalt, copper, nickel and manganese that are ...
Read More »Hard Coal 2018
Any attempt to look ahead at the likely economic developments in 2019 must necessarily take into account a number of significant political events, some with potentially disruptive consequences. The first of these would be the trade disputes arising between the USA and other countries, most notably China, the hope being that these matters will soon be resolved. Another no less ...
Read More »The Coal Exit – a High-Risk Adventure for the Energy Sector and Regional Economy
The recommendations contained in the so called “Coal Commission” roadmap for phasing out coal-based electricity production will oblige the German energy industry and regional economies to embark on an adventure that is the result of climate-policy ambitions that no other sector has yet been asked to engage in. The Duden German language dictionary defines the word „adventure“ as an unusual ...
Read More »A Tech Company’s View on IoT-Based Condition-Monitoring – Utilizing Web-based Data Assessment Platform and Connected Devices to Improve Machine Utilization and Productivity
Condition monitoring and analysis of mining equipment requires more than suitable and reliable sensor technology, but also a holistic approach that makes use of interdisciplinary capabilities and intelligent software applications. Today, modern sensors consist of hardware and software components and ensure that machine data can be recorded and transmitted at any time. The Internet of Things (IoT) uses innovative software ...
Read More »Empirical Evaluation of Application Parameters of Iron-Clay-Buckets
A decrease in output, caused by iron-clay or rather siderite, has been detected on the fifth and sixth floor of the opencast mine Hambach of RWE Power AG, Essen/Germany, since 2005. The material is known as hard to extract, so several special types of buckets were developed and used on the bucket wheel excavator 293. In this summarized diploma thesis ...
Read More »Simulation of Mineral Processing Plants with NIAflow®
Mineral processing plants are complex systems. Their products need to meet certain ridged criteria be it for use as a construction material or for further processing as an ore concentrate. The properties of a material entering the plant however may vary considerably. This is due to the location in the deposit it originates from as well as climate conditions. So ...
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