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Fig. 1. The trade fair E-world energy & water took place in Essen from 6th to 8th February 2018. // Bild 1. Die Messe E-world energy & water fand vom 6. bis 8. Februar 2018 in Essen statt. Photo/Foto: Messe Essen

E-world energy & water in Essen: Europe‘s energy capital for three days

E-world energy & water has once more provided impressive proof of its position as Europe’s leading trade fair in the energy industry. For the first time, 750 exhibitors – more than ever before – from 26 nations presented their solutions for the future of the energy supply at Messe Essen, Essen/Germany. Digitalisation, flexibilisation and decentralisation were the defining subjects on which the over 25,000 visitors from 73 nations obtained information and exchanged ideas (Figure 1).

The visitors flocked to E-world, above all, from energy suppliers, service providers, industrial companies and municipal utility companies. It was clearly shown: The path towards smart cities with optimum networks with regard to intelligence and energy is causing both companies and consumers to have a rethink about the energy supply. No matter whether networks for the exchange of heat between various buildings, intelligent charging concepts for electric cars or solar roof tiles for the generation of electricity and heat: Numerous exhibitors showed innovations.

Digitalisation is the key to the success of the energy transition, according to Prof. Andreas Pinkwart, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister for Economic and Digital Affairs, during the opening ceremony of E-world: “The energy system of the future is decentralised, digital and smart. Today, ever more decentralised generation installations are already being bundled, controlled and networked using IT solutions. For our companies, these innovations are opening up the chance to develop new business fields.”

It is primarily young companies with innovative ideas which are providing new stimuli in the energy sector. In Fair Hall 7, over 90 start-ups, freshly founded firms and research institutes showed what products the consumers can expect in the future. These included portable storage units for solar power, battery storage units with artificial intelligence and new meter reading possibilities. Within the framework of the fair, particularly pioneering digital solutions were distinguished with the Digital Energy Award. In the “Lean Operations” category, MeteoViva Climate was convincing with an intelligent climate control system. gridX, the winner in the “Customer Engagement” category, is an energy supplier which markets locally generated, clean power just as locally via a platform. In the “New Business Models” category, Novum engineering was distinguished for its ThermoTape with which the filling levels of thermal storage units can be monitored easily from the outside.

Moreover, E-world was once again a springboard for young interested people. The Career Forum on the last day of the fair brought students, graduates and young professionals together with companies.

E-world 2018 was characterised by strong international interest. The exhibitors came from 26 nations. On the visitor side, too, the trade fair could be pleased about the response from all over the world: The participants who obtained information about new solutions for the energy supply on the Consulates Day at Messe Essen extended from China via Kuwait and Madagascar right up to Greece and Taiwan. All in all, one in five of the visitors travelled to the fair from abroad. Great Britain, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Italy were particularly strongly represented.

A large number of satisfied exhibitors and visitors praised E-world 2018, its range on offer and the supporting programme. More than nine out of ten visitors will recommend the fair. The exhibitors highlighted, above all, the high quality of the trade visitors. 93 % of the companies were satisfied with their appearances at the fair. Likewise, 93 % of the exhibitors now already indicated that they would also be involved in E-world 2019 which will take place at Messe Essen from 5th to 7th February 2019. (Messe Essen/Si.)