The management team of the Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE), Hanover/Germany, reassesses its position following the vote on the managing Executive Committee. In future, the union will turn more of its attention to the challenges of digitalisation. This is reflected in a specific board division, which Francesco Grioli is set to take over. The former Rheinland-Palatinate/Saarland Regional Manager was elected to the IG BCE’s managing Executive Committee on 6th October 2017. He succeeds Peter Hausmann, who has retired from the committee. Ralf Sikorski, formerly responsible for labour policy, is taking on Hausmann’s responsibility for collective bargaining policy.
“The delegates have placed a great deal of trust in the new team. We promise not to disappoint them,” said IG BCE President Michael Vassiliadis (Figure 1), who was re-elected alongside his deputy Edeltraud Glänzer and Executive Committee member Petra Reinbold-Knape. “The new management team will make every effort to keep our union at the top of the league when it comes to collective bargaining, labour and industrial policy.”
Vassiliadis describes digitalisation as “one of the greatest challenges faced by industrial and collective bargaining policy of our time.” It does however create major opportunities as well – if social partners find reasonable solutions on the conditions for flexible and mobile working. “We want to push this through within the next few years.”
(IG BCE/Si.)