At its regular meeting on 10th December 2019, the supervisory board of RAG Anthrazit Ibbenbüren GmbH, Ibbenbüren/Germany, made the decision to implement its planned changes in personnel among top-level management. Heinz-Werner Voß, former spokesperson for the management board, went into retirement on the 31st December 2019. Jürgen Kunz, previously head of production and authorised signatory at RAG Anthrazit Ibbenbüren, has been appointed as member and spokesperson of the business management of the association with effect from 1st January 2020. Jörg Buhren-Ortmann is planned to remain a member of the management board as labour director until 31st July 2020. As Michael Krämer, who previously held the positions of commercial director and authorised signatory also stepped down on 31st December 2019, the supervisory board appointed two new authorised signatories to support the business management in the form of Joachim Tuchenhagen (RAG Aktiengesellschaft) and Jürgen Scharnewski (RAG Anthrazit Ibbenbüren) on 1st January 2020.