The reduction of education-related inequalities is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Compared with other industrial nations the Federal Republic of Germany is slightly below average in the area of educational equity. Social background and education success or failure have never been so closely interconnected as in Germany. In order to counteract the negative effects of this connection – both in the interests of the affected children, as well as for the general social development in the Ruhr region – the RAG-Stiftung, Essen/Germany, in cooperation with the Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS) at TU Dortmund, initiated the project “GemeinsamGANZTAG”.
Early support of young people, particularly from disadvantaged social backgrounds, can significantly improve their opportunities of later participation in our society. This is where GemeinsamGANZTAG comes in. Research teams at TU Dortmund, as well as the University of Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen and University of Wuppertal, are developing solutions with schools in challenging situations from the cities Bochum, Duisburg, Gelsenkirchen and Herne in order to optimally support disadvantaged children, particularly in the areas of language learning and self-regulated and cooperative learning. The researchers integrate proven concepts, which are adapted to the individual needs of the schools. In order to achieve optimal results, the universities, schools, education offices and other project partners are working together in networks.
Bärbel Bergerhoff-Wodopia, Member of the Board of Executives at the RAG-Stiftung, highlights the importance of the project: “GemeinsamGANZTAG deals with one of the biggest challenges in our society: educational equity irrespective of social origin. We want to face this challenge in the Ruhr region with all our efforts. That’s why I’m happy that we found so many excellent project partners, who will work with us on improving educational equity.”
The project focuses on strengthening linguistic competencies, as well as self-regulated and cooperative learning. With these focal points GemeinsamGANZTAG follows up on current findings in education and school development, as well as educational policy requirements. In order to use the opportunities of longer collaborative learning, particularly at schools in challenging situations, it is not enough to only extend the time in school. High-quality offers which take into account the needs of the schools and pupils need to be developed. The project therefore focuses on the proven potential of school networks and builds up a dialogical cooperation between research, educational practice and educational administration.
The work in the different networks started with the new school year and is continued at regular work meetings. The evidence-based findings of GemeinsamGANZTAG will be published in 2021. (RAG-Stiftung/Si.)