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Fig. 1. The new building will blend into the existing industrial setting. // Bild 1. Das neu entstehende Gebäude wird sich städtebaulich in die bestehende Industriekulisse einfügen. Photo/Foto: AMB/STEAG

STEAG plans efficient, custom energy concept for Bottrop coking plant

The energy company STEAG GmbH, Essen/Germany, is developing a custom, sustainable energy concept for the coking plant in Bottrop together with steel producer ArcelorMittal Bremen GmbH. A modern joint-venture power station, which will be fundamental to the production of electricity, heat and steam, is to be established in the area of the RAG central workshop at the former Prosper-Haniel mine. The highly efficient plant is designed to use the gases which occur during production at the Prosper coking plant in an environmentally friendly manner. The commissioning of the joint-venture power station is planned for mid-2023.

The modern plant will operate on the combined heat and power principle and produce electricity, heat and steam. This triad results in a high overall efficiency of the fuel, and is therefore particularly environmentally friendly. The electricity generated with a capacity of 110 MW will be fed into public power grid and covers the annual electricity consumption of more than 200,000 households. The district heating gained at the same time, with a capacity of up to 60 MW, will be discharged to the district heating distribution network in Bottrop and can supply some 3,000 households with heating energy and hot water. Moreover, process steam, which is required in the coking process, will be extracted at the power station. The modern plant will therefore replace the old steam generators at the site. With these components, the planned power station will make an invaluable contribution to the energy transition in Germany.

Owing to the coke oven gas which is constantly being generated, the planned joint-venture power station is being designed as a “base load power plant”. As regards urban development, the new building will blend into the existing industrial setting and will be completely visible only from the elevated ski dome of Alpincenter Bottrop through an existing rampart with trees (Figure 1). The approval for the power station was requested in accordance with the applicable provisions for power plants under the Federal Immission Control Act. As part of the immission control approval procedure by the District Government of Münster, public participation is required. An environmental impact assessment will also be carried out.

For the further project development, STEAG has founded the project company “Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Bottrop GmbH” with registered office in Bottrop. By the end of 2019, ArcelorMittal Bremen will have 50 % shares in the project company. The necessary antitrust investigation is already under way with the appropriate authorities. (STEAG/Si.)