Uzbekistan is the most populous country of Central Asia and plays a key role for the business development of Central Asia. Engineering Dobersek GmbH is a leading German specialist company from Moenchengladbach for planning, constructing and commissioning of turnkey plants and plant components, is already involved for more than 20 years in the business of the country of the Silk Road and disposes there of a branch office.
During the 6th day of the German Economy in Uzbekistan, which took place in the capital of Tashkent, Mr. Boschtjan Dobersek, the technical manager of the family company from the Lower Rhine, introduced the company and presented the current projects, like the construction of a new smelting furnace for copper in Almalyk, southeast from Tashkent. Copper, lead and zinc are promoted and processed partially there also – the town is valid as an Uzbek center of the metallurgy.
The event was organized by the German Economic Club in Uzbekistan and the delegation of the German economy for Central Asia in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the republic of Uzbekistan. Beside the presentation of Engineering Dobersek there were other experience reports of German companies, discussions about financing possibilities in the areas of Investment and trade, as well as the opportunity to talk with invited representatives of Uzbek companies and organizations. The economic day ended with an “Oktoberfest”. Among the numerous guests of the conference, there was also present the ambassador of Germany in Uzbekistan, Neithart Höfer-Wissing.
Uzbekistan disposes thanks to her central location in the heart of the Asian continent of good conditions to develop to a regional economic center and traffic hub. In Uzbekistan are acting 112 joint ventures, which have been founded with participation of German investors. The biggest challenge is the rise of attraction for international investors in spite of strong regulation through the state and the diversification of the economy for reducing the commodity dependence.
Engineering Dobersek GmbH is a leading German specialist company for planning, constructing and commissioning of turnkey plants and plant components in such areas as mining and metallurgy, water treatment, energy and environmental engineering, chemical and special plant engineering. The family company, which was founded in 1983, employs 240 people at the company headquarters in Moenchengladbach. The company works with cooperation partners inter alia in Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Further information:
Engineering DOBERSEK GmbH