Former Federal Minister Wolfgang Cle-ment resigned from his position on the Supervisory Board at Daldrup & Söhne AG, Ascheberg/Germany, at the Annual General Meeting on 27th August 2020. The new member of the Supervisory Board is Heinrich Goßheger, a retired bank director. Josef Daldrup has left the Executive Board and been appointed a member of the Supervisory Board by Munich District Court. The Supervisory Board has appointed Bernd Daldrup to the Executive Board, where he will be responsible for Technology, HR and project management for Deep and Medium-Deep Geothermics. Andreas Tönies, who has been a member of the Executive Board at Daldrup since 2005, has assumed the role of Executive Board spokesman. He represents the company in the capital market and is responsible for Purchasing, Holdings and Legal. His responsibilities also include project development for the Deep Drilling business segment.