As usual, the AGM of STEAG Fernwärme GmbH, Essen/Germany, appointed the members of company‘s Advisory Council. There were three new appointments here: Alongside Arnd Fittkau, Director of real estate company Vonovia SE, the District Heating Advisory Council now also includes Martin Harter as alderman of the City of Essen for the areas of Urban Planning & Construction and Peter Schäfer, Chairman of the Executive Board at Stadtwerke Essen AG. There was also another change in chairmanship. At the start of August, Andreas Reichel succeeded STEAG Employee Relations Director, Alfred Geißler, who took retirement.
The Advisory Council at STEAG Fernwärme is traditionally a committee with a top level membership. Indeed, all of the members display a high degree of professional expertise and experience in the field of urban planning, as well as the energy and housing sectors. Alongside the aforementioned new members, Jürgen Rupp, member of the Execu-tive Board at RAG-Stiftung, Ralf Brauksiepe, CEO at Vivawest GmbH, Burkhard Drescher, management spokesman of InnovationCity Management GmbH, Klaus Haertel, Chairman of the Urban Development and Planning Committee on the Gelsenkirchen City Council, Dirk Miklikowski, CEO at Essener Allbau GmbH, as well as Bottrop‘s mayor Klaus Strehl were all reelected.