Home » Glückauf! 3/2024

Glückauf! 3/2024

This latest edition of Mining Report Glückauf focusses on the topic „Trends in Mining“. This includes strategic decision making not only where engineering technology is concerned but also where operations interact with social and environmental issues. Sustainability is certainly nothing new in the mining sector and this topic has clearly been gathering momentum over the last five decades. This increasingly means extracting and using raw materials in ways that are efficient, have respect for the environment and are in accord with social requirements. Companies such as Siemens are realigning themselves for this purpose and the creation and exploitation of industry networks of the kind provided by the Freiberg Geo-competence Center, e. g., has a valuable role to play here. The growing demand for raw materials compels the development of new deposits and this will generally create …

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With my best regards // Mit freundlichem Glückauf
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas-Peter Sitte
Chief Editor Mining Report Glückauf, Essen

ISSUE 03/2024 // FOCUS OF THIS ISSUE: Trends in Mining

Setting Requirements and Being a Resource as a Manager

Itis a challenge for managers to ensure the performance of the team and at the same time promote the health and long-term performance of employees. Managers can fulfil this leadership task by prioritising tasks and designing working conditions. If managers endeavour to be a resource themselves and support their employees, their experience of stress is reduced. How can managers succeed in placing high demands on employees while at the same time promoting their performance and health? This article sheds light on how managers organise requirements and working conditions and how they can …

Authors: Dr. Miriam Rexroth, Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie, Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Jurij Ryschka, Organisationsentwicklung Prof. Dr. Jurij Ryschka, Mainz/Germany

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Reorganisation of the Haus Aden Mine Water Pipeline – Special Challenges when Crossing Under the Datteln-Hamm Canal

New route of the Haus Aden mine water pipeline. Source: Kartengrundlage Geobasis NRW

Haus Aden is the only dewatering site in the eastern Ruhr district that will discharge mine water into the River Lippe in the long term. The reorganisation of the Haus Aden mine water pipeline is being carried out as part of individual final operating plans under the regime of mining law. To implement the project, RAG Aktiengesell­schaft, ­Essen/Germany, must submit a large number of operating plans for the individual construction phases for approval. The reorganisation of the Haus Aden mine water pipeline should be completed in 2025 so that mine water can be discharged into the Lippe when the target level is forecast …

Authors: BR Dipl.-Ing. Martin Wissen, OBVR Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Hensel, BAR Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Herzog, Bezirksregierung Arnsberg, Abteilung 6 – Bergbau und Energie in NRW, Dortmund/Germany

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Sustainability Trends in Mining

Compensatory measure at Nochten open-cast mine, here Hermannsdorfer See with heron and bumble­bee in the post-mining landscape of Jänschwalde open-cast mine. Source: Birgit Schroeckh/DEBRIV

The topic of “sustainability in mining” is by no means new in Germany and has been repeatedly rethought as a result of technological developments since the time of Georg Agricola. However, it was the 1972 study “The Limits to Growth” that first raised public awareness of the finite nature of natural resources and initiated a continuous rethink. As a result, ways have been found to extract and utilise raw materials more efficiently and sustainably than before. Sustainability in mining in Germany is applied as foresightedly, efficiently, resource-conserving, energy-saving and cost-effectively as is technically possible. In the future, however …

Author: Dr.-Ing. Martin Wedig, Vereinigung Rohstoffe und Bergbau e.V. (VRB), Berlin/Germany

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Innomotics a New/Old Player on the Global Market – Redefining Reliable Motion for a Better Tomorrow

The five business segments of Innomotics. Source: Innomotics

The industrial ecosystem is currently undergoing major changes. Global drifts in the markets, new advanced technologies, new market requirements, but also the ever-increasing demand for higher efficiency and sustainability are moving all segments of industry. In order to be able to accompany this change as a partner, the Large Drive Application Division of Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich/Germany, was reorganized as Innomotics. Based on 150 years of experience in the industry as an expert in electrification, automation and digitalization, Innomotics identifies with these challenges and the industry.

Author: Sunny Schoone M. Sc., Global Sales Expert and Portfolio Manager for Digitalization Solutions, Innomotics GmbH, Nürnberg/Germany

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The Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e.V. (GKZ) – a European Mining Network

The association lives the European spirit and promotes European Young Careers by involving them in first-class research projects and industry excursions. The project meetings are also an opportunity to present Saxony with its expertise and hospitality, as shown here at a plenary meeting of the EU HORIZON project (www.greenpeg.eu). Photo: GKZ

The Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e.V. (GKZ), Freiberg/Germany, unites industry, universities, specialist authorities and local authorities as a network along the entire value chain of mineral raw materials and the development of conventional and renewable energies in the sense of a circular economy. The association focusses on research and development (R&D), training and further education as well as market exploration and national/international networking. It has a high level of visibility within the EU through project and committee work and complements the work of other German professional organisations and …

Author: Dr. Dipl.-Min. Wolfgang Reimer, Geschäftsführer Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e.V. (GKZ), Freiberg/Germany

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Slurry Transport System of the ROBOMINERS Prototype

RM1 prototype design status Q1-2022 – basis for ore transport system design criteria. Source: MU Leoben

The increasing need of raw materials necessitates the exploitation of new deposits, potentially leading to (very) deep underground mines. With the help of fully automated machines and/or autonomous robots it is aimed to open difficult to access deposits or re-open abandoned mines. In the past four years, the consortium of the European-wide H2020 Resilient Bio-inspired Modular Robotic Miners (ROBOMINERS) project has conducted initial baseline studies of future robotic mining machines operating in such scenarios. Technologies have been investigated, which can be applied for underground exploration and selective mining, submerged and/or operating in slurries. Throughout this project a low TRL prototype has been developed and tested, which is fully water-hydraulically powered. The prototype comprises an unconventional locomotion system, various sensors for navigation and perception …

Authors: Dr. mont. Michael Berner, Senior Researcher, Lehrstuhl für Bergbaukunde, Bergtechnik und Bergwirtschaft – Fördertechnik und Konstruktionslehre, Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben/Austria, Tobias Pinkse M. Sc., Managing Director, REinvent GmbH, Sondershausen/Germany, Sadia Riaz M. Sc., Researcher, Tampere University, Tampere/Finland

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Framework Conditions for Automated Milling Wheel Replacement under Deep Sea Conditions

Schematic drawing of the extraction process for massive sulphide ores in the deep sea. 1 setting down and aligning the trench cutter, 2 extraction process, 3 lifting the extracted ore, 4 returning the empty separation container, 5 moving the template to the next milling position (not to scale). Source: IME

As part of the „Deep Sea Sampling“ research project, a trench cutter adapted for the extraction of marine massive sulphide ores shall be lowered from a ship into the deep sea and positioned and aligned on the seabed with the help of a landing unit (1). Once there, the system shall cut several slots into the rock at defined locations and convey the copper-bearing ore extracted in the process into containers, which can be separated from the system and transported back to the ship. Due to the large distance to the supply ship and since the milling tool wear out during extraction, it must be possible to change them directly on the seabed and without additional plant movement…

Authors: Swen Aurich M. Sc., Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Sobczyk, Institute of Mecha­ni­cal Engineering (IME), TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Dr.-Ing. Matthias Semel, Stefan Wegerer M. Sc., BAUER Maschinen GmbH, Schrobenhausen/Germany

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Surface Blast Vibrations from Underground Shotfiring at Moderate Depths

Schematic depiction of conventional winning operations at Heilbronn rock salt mine. Source: SWS

The Heilbronn rock salt mine, which is owned by Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Heilbronn/Germany, has already carried out several trials aimed at reducing the impact of blast shocks occurring at ground level. Salt extraction is carried out at a moderate depth of around 200 m and targets the shelly limestone formations of the Triassic period. The relationships being investigated in the study were focused on the firing conditions for “top cuts” and “bottom cuts”, the multiple use of similar ignition time stages in the shotfiring pattern (and the potential increase in the specific quantity of explosive per timer stage), the distance between the blast sites and the surface measuring points and the chosen ignition intervals for the shotholes …

Author: Markus Mathey, Ph.D., Betriebsleiter Bergbau & Salz, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Heilbronn, Visiting Adjunct Professor, Wits Mining Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg/South-Africa

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Hose Physics in the Fire Service: An Update Using the Gollmer & Hummel Titan X-Treme as an Example

Schematic test setup pressure loss hose coupling. Source: TUBAF

Fire hoses have been an elementary component of fire-fighting equipment since ancient times. The properties of the hoses have been improved through constant further development in production. Milestones were the development of hose lines made of canvas in the 17th century, the first rubberised hoses in 1865 and the introduction of the Storz coupling as a standard coupling. However, pressure loss tables from the 1930s are still used in fire service training in Germany today. There are also more recent tables with widely varying values without precise references. Due to the need to pump water over long distances and …

Authors: Dr. med. Thomas Große, Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hooksiel, Wangerland, Dipl.-Ing. Frank Reuter, Leiter Grubenbetrieb des Forschungs- und Lehrbergwerks, Oberführer Grubenwehr, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg/Germany

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