With the decline in the extraction of mineral raw materials in Germany, the focus is increasingly on the resulting tasks of the post-mining period. Post-mining is understood to mean the totality of all processes and tasks after the end of raw material extraction. In addition to the securing and remediation of mining legacies, this includes the long-term and sustainable management of deposits and the areas used. Other topics include risk management, the renaturation and recultivation of areas formerly used for mining, and groundwater and mine water management …
Read moreWith my best regards // Mit freundlichem Glückauf
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas-Peter Sitte
Chief Editor Mining Report Glückauf, Essen
Risk and Safety Management for Surveying Work in Underground Cavities that Are Difficult to Access

Impression of the conditions in the piping. The supposedly good lighting is achieved using a high-intensity camera and does not correspond to the working conditions. Photo: FZN/Volker Wiciok
Authors: Dr. rer. nat. Bodo Bernsdorf, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Rudolph, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Goerke-Mallet, Forschungszentrum Nachbergbau (FZN), Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (THGA), Bochum/Germany, Melanie Gendrullis, Thomas Adam, Abteilung Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst, Stadt Hattingen/Germany, Christoph Uphues, Fachbereich Stadtbetriebe und Tiefbau, Stadt Hattingen/Germany, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Koschare, RAG Aktiengesellschaft, Essen/Germany, Benjamin Haske M. Eng., Marcin Pawlik M. Sc., Forschungszentrum Nachbergbau (FZN), Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (THGA), Bochum/Germany, und TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg/Germany
Read morePublic Perception and Community Participation in the Coal Transition in the Ruhr Region – Interim Results of the EU Research Project WINTER
The EU research project WINTER is developing a web-based interactive management tool for the structural change of coal regions. The basis is formed by three pilot regions in the EU in or on the way to post-mining, including the Ruhr area. Part of the analyses required and carried out in this context are public perception and community participation in the coal transition. Results are presented here.Authors: Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Kai van de Loo, Senior Consultant, Julia Haske, M. A., Bereichsleiterin, Forschungszentrum Nachbergbau (FZN), Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (THGA), Bochum/Germany
Read moreThe UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein: Monument and Future Hub

The architects Fritz Schupp and Martin Kremmer were given the task of uniformly designing the entire mine, including green areas, walls, paths, furnishings and lamps. Photos: Jochen Tack
Author: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Peter Noll, Vorstandsvorsitzender Stiftung Zollverein, Essen/Germany
Read moreRestoration of Mine-Water Drainage through the Royal Bavarian Maximilian Heritage Gallery at Stockheim

K. B. Maximilian heritage gallery with collapsed frame-type timber supports lying in sediment, view looking to the south east. Photo: G.U.B. Ingenieur AG
Authors: Valentin Vossen M. Sc., Dipl.-Geol. Stephan Bachmann, G. U. B. Ingenieur AG, Leipzig/Germany, Jan Pfänder B. Eng., Feldhaus Bergbau GmbH & Co. KG, Arnsberg/Germany, Dipl.-Ing. Robin Hoffmann, Bergamt Nordbayern, Bayreuth/Germany
Read moreRenovation of a Flooded Water Release Tunnel: Wilsmicker and Altenberger Tunnels in Wenden in the Sauerland
In January 2023, a spontaneous outflow of water occurred in front of a residential building in Wenden in the Sauerland/Germany. The water flow was linked to the head of an old drainage shaft, which was connected to a wide mining gallery. Immediately after the damage, ad hoc investigation and security measures were initiated. After weighing up the pros and cons of various rehabilitation options, a solution was favoured which would continue to drain the tunnel system under overflow conditions (pressure heads above the tunnel system). A collapsed area within the tunnel was renovated and long-term dewatering shafts (drainage-buildings) with open channels were installed on top of the tunnel. Finally, the surface was restored and shaped …Authors: Sebastian Hillinger M.Eng., Dipl.-Geol. Nikolaus Linder, Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH, Essen/Germany, Philipp Philipp M.Sc., Bezirksregierung Arnsberg, Abteilung Bergbau und Energie in NRW, Dortmund/Germany
Read moreInvestigation of Historic Mining Infrastructure in the Upper Harz Mountains and Development of Repurposing Concepts

Different types of lining in the Ernst August adit. Top left: a section lined with dolomite stone in the area of the portal; bottom left: wall made of slag stones to the east of the Achenbach shaft; top right: backfilled steel arch support on an extension to a drift; bottom right: area of the drift section secured with shotcrete. Photos: Matthias Bock, Klaus Stedingk
Authors: Mareike Schubert M. Sc., Institute for Mining, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens-André Paffenholz, Institute of Geo-Engineering (IGE), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Langefeld, Institute for Mining, Clausthal University of Technology (CUT), Clausthal-Zellerfeld/Germany
Read moreStolberg Sinkholes: the Role of the Mining Authority in Cases of Non-Mining Sinkholes
In 2022, a sinkhole in the northern part of the city of Stolberg in North Rhine-Westphalia was reported to the Arnsberg District Government, Department Mining and Energy in NRW, Dortmund/Germany. Due to the known old mining in the area, a mining cause for the sinkhole could not be ruled out. However, during the course of the investigation, it was determined that the cause did not originate from the previous mining activities. Even in the case of damage that turns out to be unrelated to mining, as in this case, a pragmatic approach by the authorities and other bodies involved ensures that the danger is averted immediately and in a coordinated manner.Authors: BVR Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Milas, BR’in Nicole Reinermann M. Sc., Bezirksregierung Arnsberg, Abteilung Bergbau und Energie in NRW, Dortmund/Germany
Read moreThe DGGT & DMV Working Group “Post-Mining”. Development, Results and Perspectives

Exkursion des Arbeitskreises zum Wetterprojekt Schneeberg, Teilnehmer vor der Einfahrt am Huthaus Ritterschacht am 26. April 2024. Photo: Bock
Authors: Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Bock, Plejades GmbH, Freiberg/Germany, Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Friedrich, DMT Group, Essen/Germany, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Goerke-Mallet, Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (THGA), Bochum/Germany
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