The Bundesverband Energiespeicher (BVES), Berlin/Germany, appointed five new representatives to its board of management on 1st January 2019. Existing BVES representatives Johannes Hauck (Hager Electro) and Giacomo D’Ignazio (Nidec AS) will be joined by Björn Spiegel (ARGE Netz), Ralf Klein (Bosch Thermotechnik), Stephan von Westberg (CMBlu), Jean-Marc Bazenet (EDF Deutschland) and Marcus Müller (Tesla Motors Germany). Markus Brehler (Caterva), Markus Forstmeier (Electrochaea), Jens Teichmann (Siemens) and Thilo Engelmann (Stornetic) left the board of management in the new year.