The research and development team at RAG Aktiengesellschaft, Herne/Germany, has been presented with the “Innovation through Research” seal of quality by the Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany for its special commitment to research and development. The seal can be used until late 2017.
“Research and development have a long history at RAG. RAG is a technology driver in the international coal mining industry”, says Prof. Dr. Martin Junker, Head of Research and Development. He explained that the company investigated and tested numerous developments that were emerging internationally. The demanding geology of deposits in Germany, as well as the leading standards in occupational safety and environmental protection require continuous further technological development. According to him, this technology has a leading role to play on an international scale and serves as an example for mine operators worldwide. RAG works continuously on further developments and innovations, including in the field of post-mining.
To be eligible for the award, RAG documented its research activities and presented them to the association. The association was founded in 1920 in Berlin and is one of the largest private science and research funding institutions in Germany. Since the late 1960s the association has initiated its own funding programs in order to promote the further development of the science and research system. (RAG/Si.)