In July and August 2021 SIEMAG TECBERG GmbH, Haiger/Germany, and LLC EuroChem-Usolskiy Potash Complex signed agreements for the delivery of shaft hoisting systems. LLC EuroChem-Usolskiy Potash Complex is part of EuroChem Group AG, a major Russian company group based in Zug/Switzerland, that specialises in the production of fertilizers and operates its own mining sites and further-processing systems for phosphates and nitrates. The EuroChem Group employs more than 27,000 people.
Situated in the region of Perm close to Russia‘s traditional potash production sites is Verkhnekamskoe one of the world‘s largest potash deposits. Potassium chloride (KCl) is the potassium salt of muriatic acid and forms colourless, salty-bitter-tasting, water-soluble crystals. It is used in large-scale technology for the manufacture of potash fertilizers and in food technology as a firming agent and flavour enhancer. KCI is used as an active agent in medicines, mainly to remedy potassium deficiency. The salt is also contained as an additive in numerous medicines, e. g., in isotonic solutions administered as infusions.
One expansion phase of the Usolskiy complex (Figure 9) includes the already begun new-construction of a third production shaft (Usolskiy Shaft No. 3) with a depth of 511.7 m as well as a further treatment system. The present agreement requires SIEMAG TECBERG to undertake the engineering, production, delivery, supervison of assembly and commissioning of the following equipment:
Shaft hoisting systems for raw material extraction:
- Double-drum winding machine, diameter 6.0 m, for skip-skip extraction with a drive capacity of 4.55 MW and designed for an annual hoisting capacity of up to 4.2 M t. Sliding bearings with bearing lubrication, a type SB1 hydraulic braking system, rope sheaves for deflection, as well as automation and signalling equipment complete this shaft hoisting system package.
- Hoisting equipment in the form of raw-material containers for shaft hoisting.
- Loading stations on two levels underground.
- Two rope deflection sheaves, diameter 6.0 m.
Shaft hoisting systems for personnel and equipment:
- 1-rope drum hoisting machine, diameter 3.6 m, for cage hoisting with one gearbox and an overall drive capacity of 1.5 MW (2 x 750 KW), incl. rolling bearings, a type SB1 hydraulic braking system together with automation and signalling equipment as well as a rope sheave for deflection.
- Hoisting means (1-stage cage) with 10 t payload.
- Two cage arresting devices
Equipment for rope changing:
- Reeling winch, incl. accessories.
In the recently expanded TECBERG park at Kalteiche near Haiger efficient construction site assembly/installation and final commissioning on site at the mine is ensured for the customer‘s benefit by complete functional assembly/installation of the equipment together with extensive system tests on drive test stands as well as pre-commissioning with all pre-settings.
SIEMAG TECBERG further impresses by its special, comprehensive „Logistics & Certification Competence for the CIS“ that enables the customer the fastest possible and problem-free registration and transfer of the equipment to its stock of capital equipment under official supervision.
After commissioning of the systems the LLC EuroChem-Usolskiy Potash Complex company will be competently supported on site with the necessary spare parts and with maintenance of the delivered equipment by qualified SIEMAG TECBERG personnel from the SIEMAG TECBERG service branch and storage facility at Berezniki in the Perm region.
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