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Astana Mining & Metallurgy Congress
12. Juni 2019 - 13. Juni 2019
In summer 2019 Astana will once again become a central platform to discuss topical issues of the mining industry – on June 12-13 the Anniversary Astana Mining&Metallurgy (AMM) Congress will be held in an entirely new format. The Hilton Astana Hotel present in the territory of the EXPO-2017 Exhibition complex will host the renewed event.
An auspicious for Kazakhstan the AMM Congress will change its format from presentation to discussion platform. More than 60 global brands, including government leaders and public officials, renowned scholars, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of some major companies will discuss with delegates the main issues in the mining and metallurgical industry and growth prospects.
The main feature of the AMM Congress is a digitalization and investment horizons. The program will include workshops and panel discussions on various issues, including „Digitalisation of mining and processing, increase of efficiency of production processes in the mining and metallurgical complex“; „Attract investments and replenishment of mineral resources base“; „Benefits of legal regulation in the new Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code“; „Investment opportunities of Kazakhstan for prospective investors‘. Also, the Big 4 Companies will give the review of the Mining industry in their countries, prepared specially for AMM.