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SDIMI 2017
25. Juni 2017 @ 8:00 - 29. Juni 2017 @ 17:00
The main objective of this series of International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI) is to assist the global minerals industries in their transition to sustainable development. It has been 13 years since SDIMI’s first conference was inaugurated in the island of Milos, Greece in 2003.
SDIMI 2017 will be the first time for SDIMI to move to China and Asia where emerging economies are rapidly growing, mineral resources are massively extracted and consumed, and sustainability issues associated with mineral extraction and exploitation are widely concerned. To respond to and address those circumstances and challenges, SDIMI 2017 takes as its theme Adapting Mineral Exploitation to Sustainability for Safety, Health, Environment and Community.
While focusing on the above theme, SDIMI 2017 will address and discuss the following topics:
(1) Mineral exploitation and sustainability;
(2) Mine safety, health and environmental stewardship;
(3) Mine communities and good governance;
(4) Best practices and case studies;
(5) Raw materials supply and circular economy;
(6) Fossil fuels and new energy for sustainability;
(7) Unconventional resources for sustainability;
(8) Mine hazard prevention and emergency preparedness;
(9) Mine risk management and safety integrity;
(10) Mine inspection, certification and auditing;
(11) Social responsibility and accountability;
(12) Water and energy management;
(13) Resources, energy and emerging economies;
(14) Technology, education and capacity building.